How To Make A Labrador Happy

Can You Make Your Labrador Happy ?

If you’ve ever had a pet before, then you know that they tend to be very attached to their owners. They may even become like family members. However, it doesn’t mean that they will always be there for you forever.

So what can you do if your canine companion starts acting weird?

Well, you need to try something different. You could give up and move away from home, but that might not be ideal either. If you want to keep your Labrador happy, then it would be best if you take some steps to make him feel loved and cared for. Here are five ways to improve your relationship with your pet.

1) Give Him Your Full Attention:

As a teenager your dog might seem a bit boring to you. After all, you’re going through so many changes and your friends are so much fun to hang out with. However, when you get home your dog is always there to greet you.

He deserves your attention as much as anyone else. In fact, he would probably love it if you would pet him and spend some one-on-one time with him. Just turn off your cell phone and ignore the TV for a while. That’s all it takes to make him happy.

2) Take Him On Weekly Walks:

One of the best ways to keep your dog in shape is to take him on regular walks. He will always appreciate it if you go on these walks with him. You may even decide to bring a friend or sibling along, which will give him someone else to socialize with!

3) Buy Or Create A Dog Toy:

Your dog probably has quite a few toys laying around the house. However, he would probably like it if you took the time to buy or create a special toy just for him. This could be a brand new antler or even an old tennis ball.

If you notice that he is losing interest in his other toys, then it might be time to switch it up.

Does your dog love to play tug-of-war?

Many dogs do, but they must always be supervised during this activity. You don’t want him to accidentally get his jaws on your hand! Another idea is to play fetch with him. This game will help you bond and keep him active. A tired dog is a happy dog!

Show Him That He Is Your Best Friend:

Sometimes we don’t realize how important certain things are to us, until they are no longer there. Your dog loves you unconditionally, so it’s important that you love him the same way. If you truly believe he is your best friend, then show him in every way possible.

This will improve your relationship and make him happy.

How To Show Your Lab You Care?

Dogs are such affectionate creatures. They love nothing more than spending time with their owners. Even a short walk around the block is enough to make them happy.

However, if you really want to bond with your dog, then try some of these tips. They will be sure to improve your relationship with your pet.

Who knows?

Maybe he will feel comfortable enough around you to share his true feelings…

Worms In Dogs: how to keep your Labrador worm free

Worms In Dogs: How To Keep Your Labrador Worm Free

The following are some tips to prevent dog worms from entering your dog’s body. You need to follow these steps before they become a problem. If you don’t take care of them, then it could become a major problem in future years!

1) Check your dog’s teeth regularly with dental checkup kit or dental mirror.

(You can buy such kits online).

2) Get a dog food with no added ingredients like wheat, corn, soybean meal etc.

3) Make sure that your dog doesn’t eat any raw meaty bones or bone fragments.

These may contain parasites.

4) Use a flea collar or catch the fleas yourself.

They are cheap and easy to use. You can get them from pet shops or online stores like Amazon .

5) Take your dog to the vet if he shows signs of skin rash, fever, diarrhea or other symptoms.

6) Never leave your dog outside alone without you around.

This includes going out for walks or playing ball games. You need to watch him closely when he goes out. Do not let him go off leash unless you are there to supervise him. If you forget something, call the owner immediately!

7) Always wash your hands after you come in contact with other dogs.

One of the most common questions people ask is, what can I do to prevent my puppy from getting worms?

Well, there are some simple steps that you can follow to eliminate them:

1) You can try to keep your yard area clean by removing any dog droppings on a daily basis.

Why Does My Dog Bark So Much – And What Do Barks Mean

Dog Bark Meaning:

1) You are looking for someone or something.

2) You want to express your feelings.

3) Your emotions are strong and you need to vent them out.

4) You want to show off your power over others.

5) A sign of dominance, strength, or confidence.

6) A warning from another person or animal that they will suffer consequences if they do not comply with your wishes immediately!

7) A message from God/Goddess.

Why Does My Dog Bark So Much – And What Do Barks Mean?

The first thing to understand is that dogs have evolved over millions of years and their instincts are very powerful. They cannot help but react to stimuli in the environment around them, including human voices and other animals’ vocalizations. Dogs bark because they feel threatened by these stimuli, which may include danger (e.g. a predator), food (e.g. prey), safety (e.g. home), or both (e.g. mating).

When humans speak to them, they bark because they are trying to communicate with us, and we respond back with our own words and actions. Dogs want to communicate with us, but they are unable to speak our language. Instead, they bark and growl, which is their way of telling us a lot about what is going on in their minds. They are very complex creatures.

Every dog is an individual with their own personality. A dog’s personality will determine their response to any given circumstance. Some dogs might never bark at all, while others will bark at anything and everything that moves. For example, two dogs might be placed in the exact same environment and one will bark a lot while the other will not.

This is because one dog has more heightened senses than the other. If you keep these things in mind you can begin to understand the meaning behind certain barks.

Here is a list of different types of barks that your dog may make. There are many different reasons why your dog may bark under different circumstances, so use this list as a guideline. Some dogs may even combine these barks at different times, or in various situations.

1) A single bark means “hello.

This is usually a friendly bark that is used among friends. It can also be used to say “goodbye.

2) A quick succession of high-pitched barks means that the dog is excited or anxious about something.

3) A slow, drawn out bark means that the dog is suspicious or protective over something or someone.

4) A loud, low-pitched, threatening bark means the dog feels threatened and is telling the other to stay away.

5) A loud, high-pitched, threatening bark means the dog feels threatened and is telling the other to stay away.

6) Repeated, loud, low-pitched barks followed by growling means that the dog is very angry.

7) Repeated, loud, high-pitched barks followed by growling means that the dog is very angry.

8) Multiple short barks means that the dog wants to play.

9) Constant barking can mean that the dog is bored.

Find a way to keep him or her busy and occupied.

Is Barking A Good Thing?

Most people think that barking is bad, but it’s really not. Dogs bark for a reason, and if you need to communicate with them, then they will bark back at you. If you want to stop your dog from barking constantly, there are a few things you can do. For starters, you can use a water bottle, and whenever your dog barks, give him a small squirt of water in the face. This is an excellent disapproving action that most dogs understand.

You can also use obedience training techniques to stop the barking from reoccurring. Dogs are very sensible creatures, and if they know that their actions will result in something unpleasant, then they will stop doing it. Removing the triggers for barking is also very important. For example, if your dog barks at people walking down the street, then you will need to keep them away from the window, or else the barking will just start up again.

A lot of people think that bark collars are an excellent way to stop dogs from barking, but this isn’t necessarily true. Bark collars can be very effective if they are used in the right way, but a lot of people abuse them. The problem with bark collars is that they give off a shock or spray whenever the dog barks, and while this will eventually stop the barking, it is very uncomfortable for your dog and can lead to some long lasting psychological damage.

For example, some dogs will begin to associate barking with being shocked or sprayed with chemicals, which means that they will start to fear the very action of barking. This can lead to a condition known as Separation Anxiety, where dogs become scared of being left alone.

Dogs also have a tendency to become very good at finding ways to get bark collars off of their necks. This means that they will suffer from the negative effects, without actually being stopped. If you really want to use a bark collar, then you should research them first and find reviews about their quality.

Positive reinforcement is the best way to train your dog. This means that whenever the dog does something good, you give them a treat or praise. Ideally, you want to catch them doing something good and then give them a treat or praise immediately after. Eventually, they will learn that doing this action will make you happy, and they will do it more often.

If done correctly, this is an excellent way to solve behavioral problems.

How To Stop A Dog From Barking In The Middle Of The Night

There are a lot of reasons why dogs bark in the middle of the night. They could have to go to the bathroom, or they might just be having a nightmare. In any case, if the barking is not too excessive, then it’s best to just leave him alone. If the barking is intolerable or non-stop, then there are some things you can do.

One of the best ways to stop barking, in general, is through the use of a bark collar. These collars work by giving off a small shock whenever the dog barks. The shock is small enough to where it won’t harm the dog, but it’s large enough to get their attention, in a negative way. It’s sort of like getting splashed by a little bit of water.

It’s surprising at first, but nothing more.

When using a bark collar, it’s best to always keep it on your dog. Over time, they will learn that if they start barking, then they will get a small shock. This causes them to stop barking immediately, especially if they want to avoid the shock. These collars can be a little controversial since they do cause a negative sensation for the dogs, but if you use them properly then there shouldn’t be any side effects.

It’s best to consult a professional before using a bark collar on your dog. If used improperly, then it could cause some serious issues. For example, some dogs will begin to associate the shock with something else. If a leaf blows into the fence and gets caught on the collar, then the dog could get a small shock.

This could cause them to become afraid of the fence since they associate it with pain now.

To avoid this, it’s best to take the collar off during times where there is a great possibility that your dog can come into contact with anything that might cause a shock. This means that you should take it off when you let them outside, at least until they stop barking. As for the shock sensation, it’s different for every dog and some can handle it better than others.

If the shock is causing your dog pain, then you should immediately consult a veterinarian. You may also want to consult a veterinarian if you believe the shock is not working. This may be a sign that your dog is getting used to it, so you need to change it up.

Sometimes, these collars can mess with the natural order of things. For example, if you take it off when they are outside, then your dog may start barking the moment you take if off and won’t stop until you put it back on. This might be a sign that you should try something else.

It’s also important to keep in mind the breed of dog that you have. Different dogs require different training methods in order for them to learn properly. For example, if you have a stubborn bulldog, then a shock collar may work better for them since they like to push against whatever is stopping them from getting what they want. If you have a small yappy dog, then a shock collar might not be the way to go since they can’t handle too much stimulation.

In addition to the factors mentioned above, there are several other things that you might want to consider before using a shock collar on your dog. For example, you should make sure to take it off when you let them outside and remove all sharp objects from their reach when they have it on. You also need to watch out for rain and snow since they may cause electrical problems.

Overall, these collars can be a great way to curb bad behavior and excessive barking. They are also a great way to keep your dog safe if they like to wander off or get lost easily. As with anything, there are some potential downsides, so you should always be aware of these before making your final decision.

If you want to learn more about bark collars, then you should look online or talk to your veterinarian. They will be able to provide you with additional information on how these collars work and if they are the best solution for your dog. You should also know that these collars shouldn’t replace proper training, so make sure you stay consistent in your methods.

What Should My Labrador Drink?

Labradoodles are one of the most popular breeds in the world. They have been bred to be companions, working dogs, agility competitors and even therapy animals. There are many different types of Labs ranging from small pups to big longhaired giants. Some labs live with their owners while others work outside or go into competition trials all year round! However they all share common traits such as being energetic, loyal and affectionate.

There are two main categories of drinks that a lab needs to drink: water and food. Water is needed for hydration, it keeps your pup’s body functioning properly. Food helps keep them feeling full so they don’t overeat which will lead to weight gain and obesity.

Both are essential for good health but if either isn’t provided then problems may arise like dehydration, malnutrition or even kidney failure.

Water is very important because it keeps your pup’s body functioning properly. A dog’s body loses fluid through perspiration and urination. If they aren’t drinking enough water then their bodies won’t function correctly, especially when training.

Without enough fluids, your lab could become dehydrated causing lethargy, lack of energy and even death. Drinking too little water can cause other issues such as skin rashes, diarrhea or even liver disease.

The rule of thumb is that your lab should have access to water whenever they want it. This might seem like a pain but if you’re training your dog then this habit can be built into their routine. Make sure that the bowls are always full to encourage your lab to drink enough water.

If you’re unsure, check if the water bowl is still full or not. If it’s empty then your dog hasn’t been drinking enough and you should probably refill it.

Food is essential for your lab to have a healthy diet. Many people believe that food is only needed to keep their lab full but it’s also needed for their body to grow. Food keeps them full allowing them to resist the urge to chew and eat things around the house!

It also provides them with nutrients which keep their bodies functioning. Just like what humans need proper food, labs need proper food too in order to grow at a good rate.

Labradors are brilliant at eating without gaining too much weight. This means that they need a good amount of exercise every day to burn off the calories or they will start putting on weight. If you overfeed a labrador they will become sluggish, lazy and fat which can lead to a whole host of serious and expensive health problems such as breathing difficulties and joint problems.

Obesity can shorten a dogs life by several years so it’s in your interest not to overfeed them.

You may be thinking “How on earth will I monitor how much food I’m giving my lab?”

It’s actually very easy; you can either feed your lab the recommended daily amount that is on the back of any bag of dog food or you can take him to the vet for a check-up. Your vet will be able to tell you if your lab needs to lose or gain weight and will tell you how much food he should be eating. This is the best way to keep your lab at a good weight because you don’t want to put your trust in the labrador food manufacturers about how much nutrition is in their food, they have to keep their profits up!

It’s also important to note that all dogs, including labs, can be prone to obesity so it’s vital to make sure that they are not eating too much or too little. If you’re not sure about anything then ask your vet for help.

Exercising your lab is a vital part of owning a dog. It keeps them fit, strengthens the bond between you and helps them sleep well. There are several key parts to exercising your dog.

The first, most obvious one, is taking them for a walk. This is something that many people do every day; it’s good for you, good for the dog and doesn’t take up too much of your time.

The second part of exercising your dog is playing with them. Labs are incredibly energetic so you need to find a way of releasing that energy or they will become destructive. Playing Frisbee is a great way to give your lab some fun and allow them to expend some energy, as is playing catch or even running around your yard with your dog.

Anything that allows your lab to have fun while also getting some exercise is a great way to keep them happy and healthy.

The final, and possibly most important, part of exercising your lab is training. Just like people, a lab needs mental stimulation as well as physical. Training is not only a great way of giving your lab the mental stimulation they need but it’s also a great way of bonding with your dog.

Training is vital in helping your lab listen to you and it’s great for discipline as well as establishing yourself as the alpha in the relationship.

Even if you’re busy it’s important to always take time out to play with your dog and give him some exercise. Ten minutes of throwing a ball for them is all it takes to keep them happy and healthy so living with a lab isn’t too much of a chore.

Do You Care About Labrador Health? Or Any Other Dogs?

All dogs, including labs, are prone to certain health problems. They all have different conditions that they are more likely to get than others but some issues can affect any dog. The most common health problems in labs are cancer, eye conditions, ear infections and joint problems.

Cancer is a problem that affects many dog breeds, especially as they get older. As Labs age they become more likely to get cancer just like people do. It’s a nasty disease that can quickly spread throughout the body but there are certain foods that reduce the likelihood of your dog getting cancer.

Feeding your lab green vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage has been proven to guard against tumors.

Eye conditions are also common in labs, just like people they get cataracts as they age and some even get glaucoma. Feed your dog carrots to keep their eyes healthy and fight off the effects of age. Joint problems are also very common among labs as they get older.

Just like humans the wear and tear of age causes arthritis which leads to pain and limited movement. As a human you can take tablets for arthritis but your dog can benefit from similar medication. Strong painkillers such as Metacam and Adequin are perfect for treating older dogs.

what Are Labrador Colors

The golden retriever is usually a light cream color but, as it’s name suggests, it can also be a rich golden color. As a puppy the coat is often lighter than the adult coat and darkens as the dog ages. The ears of a labrador should also eventually fade to match the color of the body.

The Lab’s coat color can have an effect on its appearance. Darker colored labs often have a “black” appearance while the lighter ones look more like they are shaded with charcoal. Either color is acceptable and does not affect the dog’s character in any way.

Frequently asked questions about Labs Q: I just found a lab pup.

Where should I look to find his owner?

If you just found the pup, he will probably have a collar with an address on it so you can take him back. Otherwise, try looking in parks and neighborhoods near where you found him. Put up fliers if all else fails.

My lab is scratching himself a lot, what should I do?

Check for ticks and fleas. If you don’t see anything there then give him a bath. That should stop the itching for a while.

Vet Care For Labradors

What Is A Vet Bill?

A vet bill is a statement from your veterinarian that details how much money they have spent on your pet’s treatment. Your vet will usually charge you a fee for their services. These fees are typically listed in dollars per day or dollar amount per hour. You may also see them billed in other currencies such as Euros, Pounds Sterling, Yuan etc..

Labradors Are Expensive Pets?

It is true that labradors are expensive pets. They require a lot of attention and time from their owners.

Their high maintenance makes it difficult for them to live independently and some even need assistance with basic tasks like walking on a leash. Some labs do not thrive well without human companionship, but most dogs love to spend quality time with their humans.

How Much Does A Vet Charge For My Labrador?

The cost of veterinary care varies depending on many factors. Most vets will quote you a price based on your dog’s age, weight, breed and any special conditions. If you’re unsure of how much your vet charges, ask them directly. Many vets also provide discounts if you bring in your own health insurance card or proof of payment at the time of service.

How Many Vaccinations Does My Labrador Need?

The amount of vaccinations your dog will need depends on their age, breed and previous immunizations. Most puppies will receive a series of immunizations to protect them from deadly diseases such as rabies, parvo, distemper and hepatitis. Your vet will identify which vaccines are right for your dog and how many shots they need to become immune to these diseases.

How Much Does A Spay Or Neuter Surgery Cost?

The cost of spaying or neutering your dog will vary depending on the veterinarian you choose. Spaying or neutering your dog at a young age can help prevent many diseases and health conditions later in life. It is highly recommended by most veterinarians that dogs be spayed or neutered between 5-7 months of age. Many vets may offer discounts if you decide to get your pet’s surgery done at a younger age.

What Is Parvo?

Parvo is a deadly virus that affects dogs and other canines such as wolves and coyotes. Most puppies can be immunized from parvo through a series of vaccinations. Most parvo infections enter a dog’s body through contact with feces, urine or saliva. Parvo can spread quickly through a dog park or nature reserve if your dog comes in contact with contaminated objects or another infected dog. Some symptoms of parvo are: vomiting, diarrhea, fever and dehydration. If you think your dog has parvo, contact your veterinarian immediately.

What Does It Mean If My Dog Has A Low Titer?

Labradors that are low for their age may be prone to illness due to their young ages. If you have a young labrador and they have a low titer, it’s best to keep them inside and away from other dogs until they are old enough to receive vaccinations.

What Is A Good Diet For My Labrador? And What Nutrition Should Your Dog Have ?

Your labrador’s diet should be primarily made up of high-quality proteins such as chicken, beef, lamb and fish. It is important to stay away from any proteins that come from grains or vegetables, especially for a working dog like a labrador.

Dogs are carnivores and have sharp teeth for biting into raw meat, not vegetables. A labrador’s diet should also be supplemented with multivitamins and minerals to make sure they’re getting all the nutrients they need for a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

How Do I Know If My Dog Is Male Or Female?

It is very easy to find out if your dog is a male or female. Most dogs will have visible genitalia that indicate their gender. Additionally, most female dogs have two rows of vaginal teeth, also known as clitoral teeth, just inside the vaginal opening.

What Is Canine Transmissible Venereal Tumour Disease?

Canine transmissible venereal tumour disease (CTVT) is a tumour disease that can be caught through sexual contact with an infected dog. It spreads through contact with any affected areas of skin, particularly the genitals and the mouth.

What Is The Best Food For A Labrador Retriever Puppy?

There are many different types of dog foods available today. Some are high protein, some contain lots of vitamins and minerals, others have less calories than other brands. There is no right or wrong type of food for your pup. What matters most is what works best for your family’s needs. Here are some tips:

High Protein Foods For Labs

Puppies need a diet rich in protein. They require more energy than adult dogs so they must eat frequently to keep them going. High protein foods will provide enough nutrition to meet their nutritional requirements while being low in fat and calories. You can feed these foods at every meal, but it may take several meals before they become fully satisfied and relaxed again.

High Energy Density Food

Lab puppies are always on the go. They love chasing after things and playing. They also require more energy than adult dogs to support their endless activity levels. High energy density foods contain more calories (energy) per cup than other types of dog food.

These types of dog food are great for your hyperactive lab puppy because they have higher levels of nutrients per volume which means you can feed them less while still providing them enough fuel to play all day.

High Carbohydrate Food for Dogs

Carbohydrates aren’t just in candy and cookies. Some types of dog food contain high levels of carbohydrates for energy. Just like humans, not all carbohydrates are equal. There are complex carbohydrates which take a long time to break down in the body and simple carbohydrates (like sugar) which break down quickly.

Complex carbohydrates are preferred because they provide a longer lasting energy source that doesn’t cause rapid spikes in blood sugar (which can cause hyperactivity and other health problems).

Any Good Food Is Better Than Bad Food

Even if you feed your lab a low quality food, they’re still better off than they would be if eating nothing at all. But if you want to give your furry friend the best, look for Royal Canin, Eukanuba, Iams, or Science Diet.

Things To Buy For A New Labrador Retriever

Most puppies are brought home when they’re between 6 and 9 weeks of age. During the first week or so you probably won’t notice too many personality differences as they’re mostly sleepy, hungry, and have to go to the bathroom a lot (especially after eating). But as they grow, you’ll start to see more distinct differences in their behavior. Below are some tips to help you in selecting the right toys and items for your new pal.

The first thing you should do is take your puppy (and any of his siblings) to a veterinarian for a check-up to make sure everything is healthy and he’s growing at a normal pace. The vet may also be able to tell you what gender your puppy is if you haven’t been able to figure it out by now.

Just as people need clothes for different occasions and weather, so do puppies. If you live in an especially cold or warm climate you’ll need to buy a winter coat and sweaters to keep them warm. On the opposite spectrum, if you live in a place that gets a lot of rain or snow you’ll need to buy rain boots and snow suits. This is especially necessary if you plan on training your dog to be a hunting dog.

But even if you just want him to look cute when he goes for his morning walk, outdoor apparel is important.

You’ll need to pick up some toys, but unlike the clothes you won’t need to do it every two months. Get a couple of toys that are designed to last instead of a bunch of cheap ones that will fall apart in a week. Once again, if you have hunting in mind, make sure you get the appropriate toys for the job. If you’re not a hunter, there are a wide variety of toys that will do nicely to keep them from tearing up your home.

Kongs are very popular with most dog owners and can be bought at any pet store. They’re designed to be filled with treats to keep your furry friend busy for hours trying to get them out.

Don’t forget the collars and leashes. Get one that’s sturdy enough so that it won’t break if your dog is pull a 100 lb deer out of the woods, but also soft enough that it won’t chafe their neck while walking on the sidewalk. And get several so that you can easily tell them apart from their other collars.

Training pads are great for housebreaking and will save you a lot of clean up in the beginning. They’re especially useful if you don’t always know exactly when your puppy will need to go outside.

Spraying for odors is very important. An untrained dog will often refuse to go on the carpet, but that won’t help them from urinating on your bed or your child’s toy box. A product like Natures Miracle can be used to eliminate pet odors from carpets, furniture, and even brickwork!

A pet playpen is great for keeping your dog out of trouble when you have to step out for a moment. Just make sure to keep them confined in a safe area; after all, they haven’t quite mastered their motor skills yet!

Of course, training pads and a playpen will only get you so far. After a while, they’re going to need to go without the house entirely. This is where the leash and collar come in handy. For most pups, it’s best not to just spring the leash on them after they’ve gotten accustomed to being without one.

Start by letting them drag it around and get used to the feel of it. When you think they’re ready, put it around their neck and give them a treat. You want them to see the leash as a good thing. Repeat this process until they’re completely comfortable with it.

Now that you have everything you need, it’s time to introduce your puppy to their new home…

“Wake up, Tony! Come on, boy. Time to wake up!”

You hear a muffled yipping coming from outside. You roll over and groan as you make your way to the window. With great effort, you manage to pull the curtain back just enough so that you can see outside.

A tiny, ball of fur is sitting in the middle of your yard, frantically jumping up and down and barking as loud as its little lungs will allow. From what you can tell through the darkness and the snowfall, it looks to be mostly white with gray patches here and there.

You open your window just enough so that your voice won’t be lost in the wind.

What are you?”you ask to your puppy?

The puppy stops jumping and looks over at you. After a moment, it begins to bounce again. You open the window a little more and it trots over, pressing its nose against the opening.

“Wheeeeoooowwww…” it says, sticking its tongue out to lick your hand.

You pull your hand back and wipe it on your pajamas as the puppy tries to stick its snout through the gap.

What Are Benefits Of A Dog Cage:

1) You Can Control Your Pet’s Environment

You can control your pet’s environment when they are inside their cage. You can make sure that they have fresh water, food, toys and other things that will keep them happy. You can even leave your pet alone if you want.

2) They Will Be More Comfortable When Not Caged

If you decide to take your pet out of their cage, they will probably feel a little uncomfortable. However, with time, they will get used to it and become accustomed to being outside. If you are going to do it regularly, then they might start getting bored with it or even hate it. So make sure that you don’t overdo it!

3) They Will Learn To Play With Their Toys And Other Things Outside

They will learn to play with their toys and other things outside when they are outside. Some people like to let their pets run around freely, but others prefer to restrain them so that they won’t hurt themselves or each other. Whatever you choose, make sure that you supervise it! If you don’t, then your pet could get into trouble.

Is Crate Training Dogs Good Or Bad?

Dogs Naturally Den: Dogs are naturally dens. They like to have safe places that they can retreat into when they feel scared or insecure. This explains why some dogs like to sleep under the beds or sofas. It is their way of hiding and staying away from harm. When pet owners crate train, it gives their pets a place where they can seek security and comfort.

When dogs finally get out of their cages, they will feel relieved and happy.

Safe Place To Sleep: Some animals may also use their cages as a place to sleep especially if they are inside the house. It is a cozy and safe place for them to catch some Z’s. If you have a pet that loves to sleep all day, then you can put them inside their cages and leave them there to do their “thing”.

When Dogs Are Crated, They Feel Safe:

When dogs are crated, they feel safe. This is true especially if they are inside the house. However, they still need to be trained so that they won’t mess up your house too much. If you crate train them properly, then they will only have the urge to eliminate in their own “rooms”.

Is Crate Training Cruel?

Dogs Are Denning Creatures: Some people might say that it is cruel to cage a pet, but dogs are denning creatures by instinct. They seek out small places to sleep and stay in. This is why some dogs like to sleep under the beds and couches. There are also dog breeds that naturally like to burrow. These types of pets would dig and make their own underground dens if they could.

This means that they should not be left out in the open. If you don’t cage them, they can get into trouble or get lost.

Do Your Dogs Need Supervision:

If you are truly worried about your dog’s well-being, then you need to provide it with proper supervision and guidance. It may be necessary to crate train your dogs so that you can have easier control over them. Dogs that are left to their own devices will not learn good behavior. This can be avoided if proper training is done at an early age.

Why Do Dogs Destroy Things?

Some dog owners believe that dogs like to destroy things because they have “bad” characters. Others think that their pets are just “baaad”, especially when they chew up their things or soil the house. However, this is not the case for all of them. Some dogs just need to let out some energy, while others may not have been taught the right things to chew on and eliminate on. If you crate train them at an early age, they will learn good habits.

Will Crate Training Ruin My Dog’s Potential?

Some people believe that if you cage your dog, then it will be stunted in its growth both physically and mentally. This is simply not true. Dogs are social animals. This means that they like the companionship of their owners. If you spend time with your pets and take them out of their cages to play and interact, then they will grow just fine. If anything they might be even better than if they have had free reign over the house.

When Should I Start Crate Training?

The best time to start crate training is when your pet is a puppy. The younger the dog is, the easier it is to train them. Take note that you don’t have to wait until your pet is fully grown to cage train them. However, you will need to spend more time in ensuring that they are fully crate trained.

Year Old Dogs Are Better Able To Handle Crating:

On average, dogs at least six months old can be fully crate trained. However, some breeds may be able to survive the rigors of crating at an earlier age. Smaller dogs tend to be more resilient than their larger dog counterparts. These dogs include the likes of chihuahuas and dachshunds. However, some very small dog breeds aren’t able to handle crating as well.

This includes dogs like the miniature pinscher that may suffer from a lack of air in an enclosed space.

If you have a puppy, then you will need to keep them in the crate for around three to four hours when

they are young. Once they are used to this, you can slowly increase the time that they are confined in there. By the time they reach six months of age, you should be able to leave them for around eight hours straight.

What You’ll Need To Get Started:

You will obviously need a crate for your pet. While these can vary in size, get one that is probably going to be too big for your pet to move around in at first. You can always exchange it for one that is smaller when your pet grows bigger.

A big selection of crates can be found on Amazon.

You will also need a lot of patience and some treats to get your dog to enter the crate without balking. Most dogs will be wary of their crates at first so you will have to show them that they won’t be harmed when inside.

Make sure that you place the crate in an area of your home where there is a lot of activity. This will help in getting your dog used to being in there while still allowing them to be in the same vicinity as you.

If you spend enough time playing with your pet inside the crate, they should eventually enter it on their own accord.

How To Crate Train A Dog?
Once you have your dog’s home, it is time to introduce them to the crate. The following steps should help with this process:

  1. Have The Crate In An Active Area: As mentioned, it is important to have the crate in an area where there is a lot of activity going on.

This will help your dog get used to the fact that they are not being punished and are actually quite safe in their crate.

  1. Feed The Dog In Their Crate: If you are feeding the dog in a certain bowl, then move this bowl into their crate.

This will not only prevent them from losing their bowl but it will also allow them to become familiar with the idea of going into the crate after they have eaten.

  1. Throw Treats In The Crate: Once the dog is used to going into the crate after they have eaten, you can start tossing small treats into the crate while commanding the dog to enter after them.

This will reinforce the idea that good things happen in there.

  1. Introduce The Command Word: After the previous step has become routine, you can introduce the command word that you want to use when telling the dog to get inside.

Some popular options are “kennel up” or “bed.” It is important to reiterate that this command should only be used when you want them to enter the crate and nothing else. We wouldn’t want them to start going to the bathroom inside or getting scared and staying away from it altogether.

  1. Give The Command Word And Reward Success: Eventually, your dog should enter the crate when you give the command.

At this time, you should offer plenty of praise and even a treat to reinforce the behavior. At this point, your dog should be entering the crate on their own accord whenever you tell them to without any fear or hesitation. It is important that you do not force your pet inside when they don’t want to go. Instead, try again later after some time has passed.

One of the most important things you can do when it comes to training is to stay positive. While it may seem like your dog isn’t learning anything, they are actually picking up on what you expect from them and how you react to them in certain situations. With this in mind, make sure to avoid saying things like “get out of the way” or “stop barking” in a hostile tone when they are inside their crates. This will just make your dog want to avoid going into their crate altogether.

If you have multiple crates, make sure that you rotate them so that they all get a turn inside and out throughout the day. This is important especially if you have a large dog breed since they need room to move around and stretch.

As your pet becomes more accustomed to their kennel, you can start restricting them from using it during certain times of the day such as when guests come over.

It is important to note that there will be times when you need to keep your dog in their crates even if they act like world class actors and gorgeous creatures that only want to spend all their time with their loving owner. There may be times where you will need to leave them home alone for several hours at a time or when you have guests over at your house. It is also important to keep in mind that your pet is not a human and does not think like one. They do not feel guilt or remorse the way that we do. In their minds, if they are able to get out of their crates, then it is perfectly reasonable that they take advantage of that.

This is why it is important to only let them out if they have been good and calm for a while. If you have guests over at your house, then you should put your dog in their crates and wait at least half an hour before letting them out again. This will give them time to calm down and realize that acting out probably won’t get them what they want. This will also prevent any accidents from occurring such as chewing, biting, or barking.

If you do happen to have an accident in the house, then by all means clean it up and make sure your dog understands that this is not acceptable behavior. Dogs, like children, do not like having a bad experience in a certain area of the house. This may mean blocking off an area for them or making them stay in their crates if you have guests over.

Traditionally, dog crates are made of metal and have a door at the front and the side. These are incredibly sturdy and can be folded up when not in use. They can also be stacked on top of one another which is great if you have limited space. There are also plastic airline approved dog crates which are a great alternative if you need to fly with your pet and want to keep them secured under your seat as well. These are more expensive, but they do serve a greater purpose if you travel by plane with your pet on a regular basis.

There are many ways that you can go about housetraining your dog. One of the most important factors is going to be patience. Unless you are planning on taking your pet outside every half hour then it is going to take some time for them to learn when they need to go out.

There are dog trainers who will suggest using a bell to let your dog know when it is okay to go outside.

What Is A Labradoodle?

Labradoodles are a breed of dogs originating from Australia. They were originally bred to hunt rabbits and hares, but they have since been popularized as companions. There are many different types of labradoodles, with some being very friendly while others tend to be aloof or even aggressive towards other animals. Some breeds such as the Australian Cattle Dog, German Shepherd Dog, Boxer and Doberman Pinscher are known to be particularly docile.

The term “lab” comes from the word “labor,” which refers to their work as working dogs. These dogs are often used for agricultural purposes and may be trained to do tasks like pulling carts or picking up small objects. Others are used for police work.

Why Do You Need To Get My Labrador Castrated?

You may wonder why you need to castrate your dog if it’s not going to affect its behavior negatively. The answer is because a lot of times when a dog gets old enough, it will start having problems with sexual drive and reproduction. Dogs don’t reproduce until they’re around 5 years old, so most of them won’t reach adulthood until they’re 10 or 11 years old!

When this happens, the dog might start humping other dogs or people. This is known as “uncontrolled breeding” and while this is probably good for the population of dogs in general, you probably won’t want your dog to contribute to this.

Also, most male dogs tend to have a lot more testosterone than females, so they’re prone to get into fights a lot easier than female dogs would.

The best thing to do with these male hormones is to get them out of the blood stream, and this is where castration comes in. This procedure involves removing the testicles of your dog so that it no longer has the ability to reproduce or maintain a high level of testosterone.

It reduces your dog’s risk of getting cancer and makes him less aggressive towards other animals.

When Should You Neuter A Dog?

There’s no certain right time to get your dog neutered, as all of them work on a case-by-case basis. A larger dog breeds won’t start developing until he gets older, while smaller dogs will show signs of maturity at an earlier age. When deciding whether or not to neuter the dog, you should pay attention to the dog’s overall health and weight. The dog should also be in peak physical condition before spaying him.

Labrador Recall Proofing – Or How to Get A Really Reliable Recall

Labrador Recall Proofing – Or How to Get a Really Reliable Recall

The golden retriever is one of the most popular breeds. There are many reasons why it is so popular: its docile nature; its loyalty; its good looks; and even its intelligence.

These qualities make it very desirable for hunting, police work, search and rescue missions, military duties etc… However there are some drawbacks too:

  1. Its obedience level varies from dog to dog. Some dogs will obey every command without any hesitation while others may not.
  2. Most golden retrievers have a high prey drive which means they like to chase small animals such as mice, rats, birds or rabbits.
  3. Golden retrievers are prone to separation anxiety and if left alone for too long they become aggressive and destructive.
  4. Many owners neglect their golden retrievers because they think that it is impossible to train them properly.
  5. Labradors are generally considered to be better than golden retrievers due to their gentler temperaments, higher obedience levels and less tendency towards separation anxiety.
  6. Golden retrievers tend to get bored easily and need lots of exercise.
  7. They require regular grooming since they shed a lot.
  8. Golden retrievers do not perform well in agility competitions because they lack the speed needed for this type of competition.

What Is Alaskan Malamute Dog Breed ?

The Alaskan Malamute is a working dog breed

originally bred to help the Eskimos with hunting, pulling heavy loads, and also to protect their owners from wild animals. They are very strong and have powerful jaws which they use to kill prey.

The Alaskan Malamute is a very intelligent breed however they do not obey orders easily and therefore they need experienced owners who know how to handle them. Unfortunately many owners buy an Alaskan Malamute without knowing anything about the dog’s needs and this leads to many of them ending up in shelters. The following paragraphs discuss some of the pros and cons of owning an Alaskan Malamute.

  1. Alaskan Malamutes are very strong, muscular dogs and therefore require a great deal of exercise. A daily walk around the block simply won’t cut it.
  2. Alaskan Malamutes need to be physically and mentally stimulated or they will become bored and start behaving in undesirable ways such as chewing furniture or getting into fights with neighbours’ pets.
  3. This is a very vocal breed and some can even bark constantly. If you live in an apartment then this is not the breed for you.
  4. This is a working breed and was bred to work all day so it is not happy when confined to the house or yard all the time. It needs to stretch its legs and have some regular outdoor time.
  5. Alaskan Malamutes have a tendency to become destructive when not given enough exercise and attention.
  6. Alaskan Malamutes are very social animals and need lots of human contact. Isolation is not good for this breed.
  7. They have a dominant nature and this means that harsh training methods are not appropriate.

However they respond well to reward based training.

Labrador Puppies: When Biting Gets Out of Hand

When a Lab puppy bites your dog, it is very likely that they are showing signs of aggression. These behaviors include growling, snapping at you or other dogs, lunging at you and even biting you.

Some labs may not show any outward signs of aggression until they get older and have children around them. However, most labs will display some sort of behavior from day one to adulthood.

So what causes these behaviors?

The first thing to realize is that there are many different types of aggression. There are several reasons why a lab might bite. Some of these could be due to boredom, fear, frustration or just plain spitefulness. A few examples would be:

A young lab puppy may simply want attention or they may have been neglected and abused since birth. They may also feel threatened by another dog (or human) which makes them lash out at someone else instead of themselves.

Another reason could be due to a genetic predisposition towards aggression. Many breeds have certain traits that make them prone to aggression.

For example, pit bulls tend to be aggressive and they are often bred for fighting purposes. Other breeds such as the labrador retriever breed tend to be gentle and loving but still possess a strong sense of self preservation. This means that these types of dogs are less likely than others to become aggressive toward humans or other animals. It’s all about the breeding.

Labrador who tend to display more aggressive behavior are usually separated from the litter at a very young age. They need to be socialized a lot more than other dogs and should be exposed to as many new things as possible.

Some labs are simply born with an aggressive streak. This means that they may be more prone to show aggression even when they are facing other dogs or human beings.

These are just a few of the reasons why labs can act aggressively. It is very important that you are aware of these signs and do your best to curb these behaviors as they appear.

Ignoring or neglecting these signs can lead to something much worse down the road. If left unchecked, some of these labrador puppy biting aggressive types can become extremely dangerous when they get older.

Labrador Retriever Puppies: How to Socialize with Other Dogs

If left unchecked, some of these dog aggressive types can become extremely dangerous when they get older. This is why it is so important that you watch for signs of aggression in your labrador puppies and nip the problem in the bud.

Step 1: Watch for Aggressive Signs

When the signs of aggression begin to appear in your lab, you have to immediately put a stop to them. Aggression is a serious matter and you should never take the chance that your little friend will turn into a big lap dog killer.

So how do you know when they’re being aggressive?

First and foremost, all dogs can detect fear so it is in your best interest to not act afraid if your lab starts to growl at another dog or even a human being. This means you need to keep a cool head in these types of situations and do your best to remain calm.

If your lab continues to act out, it may be time to give him a time out. Place him in his crate and just simply ignore him.

If you have company over and your dog begins to act aggressively toward them, you need to take him away from the situation immediately. Take him to his cage and stay away from company for awhile.

If your dog is growling and showing his teeth then this means that he is ready to bite. You need to act quickly in these situations.

Don’t scream or yell at him since this will only anger him more and make the situation worse. Instead, you need to show him that his behavior is unacceptable by giving him a swift kick in the behind. Just make sure you aim for his hindquarters so you don’t get bit.

Step 2: Create a Firm Bond With Your Lab

In order to curb your lab’s aggressive behavior, you need to create a strong bond with your pet. If your dog knows that you are the leader and that you are stronger than him, he won’t try to challenge you. Of course this doesn’t mean you should act aggressive towards your lab. It simply means that you have to be aware of your dog’s feelings and know how to handle him properly.

One thing you need to realize is that it is completely natural for a dog to display aggressive behavior. It is up to you, as the owner, to make sure this behavior is kept under wraps.

You have to show your lab that you won’t accept this type of behavior and he needs to learn that he is lower on the chain than you are.

If your lab begins to act aggressively toward you then it is because he isn’t afraid of you. This means that you have failed to create that hierarchy in the home.

In order to rectify this problem you need to make your dog afraid of you. This may sound a bit harsh but if you don’t follow these steps, your lab may display aggression toward other people as well and that could turn out to be a disaster.