How To Stop Your Dog Biting You

How To Stop Your Dog From Biting You?

You may not be able to stop your dog from biting you if it is in pain because of teething or some other medical condition. If this is the case, then you can try to calm your dog down, but keep in mind that there are no sure things when it comes to determining how a pet will act. This means that your dog may still try to bite you.

While you may love your dog, you need to remember that it can be a safety risk to have it around other people or small children especially if it has not stopped biting completely yet. This is why you need to keep an eye on your dog and make sure that it does not have access to anyone who can get bit.

You may also want to avoid taking your dog places where there are a lot of people or small children such as a park or even the mall. You need to be in control at all times.

If your dog manages to get bit by another animal or person, then you will need to get it to a veterinarian immediately. Do not try to handle the bite area because you can get an infection as well.

When Do Dogs Stop Growing? Labradors – When Do They Grow Up To Be Dogs?

Labrador puppies grow faster than other breeds of dogs. This means they reach their adult size sooner. If your pup is not yet grown, it’s time to start thinking about buying a new one! There are several reasons why a dog may grow too fast:

Your puppy may have been fed an unhealthy diet. The environment may have been too harsh for your pup. You may have over exercised him or she.

You might want to consider adopting a rescue dog from a shelter. These dogs usually come with health certificates and will likely be smaller than the average Labrador puppy. A good rule of thumb is if they’re under 10 pounds, then they’ll probably be around the same size as yours!

If you have any questions about when do dogs stop growing, please feel free to contact us.

When Do Dogs Stop Growing?

is a common question that many new dog owners ask. This is a very relevant and important question, because knowing when your dog stops growing can have serious consequences on your pet’s health. Plus, it also determines how big your dog will be! This article will discuss in great details the various factors that affect your dogs growth and overall development.

When Do Dogs Stop Growing Process?

This is a very crucial part of your dog’s life, because this is the period in which your dog will develop and grow into an adult. At this age, it is important to give your pet the necessary nutrients that will ensure proper development and growth. The general rule of thumb is that a puppy will reach 90% of its adult size by the time it is 6 months old. However, it is important to take note that not all breeds of dog will reach their adult size by the time they turn 6 months old.

Some smaller dog breeds such as Chihuahuas and Yorkies will only grow to about half their adult size by then. Larger sized dogs such as Great Danes and St. Bernards on the other hand can take up to 2 years before they reach full maturity.

However, no matter what size your dog grows to be it is important to remember that every dog will still maintain many of its puppy like characteristics even after it reaches adult size. This especially pertains to smaller dogs such as Chihuahuas, because they will retain a higher pitched bark and a more inquisitive nature even when they are already fully grown.

Common Myths about when do dogs stop growing:

Many pet owners are often under the impression that their dogs will grow to a specific height and weight depending on the size of the parents. This is not necessarily true, because the process of when do dogs stop growing is affected by several different factors such as nutrition, health and yes even genetics. While it is true that there is a familial resemblance among most dog breeds, it does not necessarily transfer over to their size.

For Instance, one of the most popular breeds in the United States, the Labrador Retriever is known for being a very big dog. However, some members of this breed can end up being smaller than some medium sized dogs. This is because the size of the parents will only serve as a general guideline and not as a rule to go by.

But in spite of this, there are still many instances in which genetics does play a major role in your dogs overall size. It is very rare to find a giant sized Doberman pinscher puppy born to two normal sized parents. In fact, in most cases the puppies will more likely be smaller than average. The same goes for smaller dog breeds as well.

It is rare to find a Chihuahua puppy born to two Maltese parents that ends up being larger than its parents.

But even if your dog doesn’t end up growing as large as you want it to; do not despair. There are always things that you can do to increase the chances of it growing to a befitting size. However, these things may not be completely natural and should be done only if you are willing to take the risk. The most common technique is to use steroids on your dog.

Many dog owners in certain countries such as Thailand are known to use these drugs to make their dogs grow larger than what they normally would. While this does pose a great risk for your pet, there have also been reported side effects of using these drugs as well.

Regardless of whether you decide to use these drugs or not to increase the size of your dog, it is still important to remember that your dogs growth will be greatly influenced by several other factors as well. Nutritional intake and a healthy living environment will play a large role in how tall or how heavy your dog will become.

This is why it is important for you to keep your dogs living conditions as clean and healthy as possible. This will ensure that your dog will grow to the healthiest size in the shortest amount of time.

In addition to this, there are several other factors that may affect your dog’s growth as well. One of the most common issues is if your dog has an irregular diet. Most dog owners make the mistake of feeding their dogs human food on a regular basis. While this may not necessarily be bad in small amounts, it can severely limit your dogs growth if you are providing it a poor diet.

For Instance, many people feed their dogs leftovers or other processed foods that are high in fat and cholesterol. Even though this food may taste good to you, it is extremely bad for your dog. It will fill them up, but not in a good way. This unbalances their diet and can severely stunt their growth as well as other issues such as problems with their liver.

The best way to go about feeding your dog is to provide them a meat based diet instead. While it is true that dogs are classified as carnivores, this does not necessarily mean that they need to eat meat exclusively. They can eat plant based food as long as it is combined with meat as well.

For Instance, you could try feeding your dog a mixture of rice and chicken or even vegetables with some sort of meat such as beef on the side. You can also try giving them fish based food as well. As long as you are providing a healthy mixture of meat and vegetable based food, your dog should grow to be very large without any issues.

However, while this diet is good for your dog’s growth, it can severely stunt their mental growth if the diet is not supplemented with any other foods. It has been experimentally proven that if a dog only is given meat based diets without any supplementation of vegetables or other nutrients, it will eventually become extremely hostile and malicious towards humans due to Vitamin B deficiency.

This is why in some countries, it is required by law that pet foods have certain nutrients added to them so that dogs do not become hostile or malnourished due to lack of diet.

In addition to food, there are multiple vitamins that can greatly affect your dogs size and mass in a positive way as well. One of the most common vitamins is vitamin B. This vitamin is extremely important for your dog’s brain and their nerves. It has been proven that if a dog is given large amounts of this vitamin, it can increase their brain size by up to 5%!

Of course in order to get this benefit, you must make sure that your dog has constant access to foods that are rich in the B-vitamin group. This means that you have to feed your dog food products that are fortified with the vitamin as well as foods that naturally contain them. Some common examples include pork, beef liver, fish, peas and enriched breads.

In addition to this, a lack of vitamin D in your dogs diet can lead to a condition known as rickets. This causes the bone structure of your dog to become weak and susceptible to fractures as well as other complications. You can easily prevent rickets by making sure that your dog gets plenty of Vitamin D in their diets. Some examples of foods that are rich in this nutrient include eggs, some fish oils and even some types of mushrooms.

Another important factor that you should take into consideration when it comes to your dogs diet is how fast you want them to grow. There are benefits and drawbacks to both, but it ultimately is up to you to decide what works for you.

If you want your dog to grow at a normal rate, then you should feed them a mixture of all of the foods mentioned above. This will ensure that they get all of the nutrients that they need and will prevent them from growing too fast or too slow.

If you want your dog to grow at a faster rate, then you should feed them a high calorie diet that is mainly made up of meat and other animal based products. By doing this, you can make sure that they get all the necessary nutrients while still growing at a much faster rate than normal.

Of course, there are some drawbacks to this as well since if you feed your dog too much, they will become extremely ill, vomit and even pass out. There have been cases where dogs have died from overeating because their stomachs could not handle all of the ingested food.

So you have to walk a fine line when it comes to this, but if you are careful about how much you feed your dog, then they can grow at a faster than normal rate. If you do decide to pursue this course of action, then you should seek out food that is richer in calories such as whole milk, eggs and other similar items.

These are just some of the main factors that you should take into consideration when it comes to your dogs diet. Ultimately, you will have to play around with different types of food and see what works best for your dog but if you put in the time and effort, then you will be able to give your best friend everything that he needs to be healthy and ensure that he has a long life ahead of him.

Benefits and Drawbacks Of Large And Extra Large Dog Crates

A question that many new dog owners have is whether they should get a large or extra large dog crate for their furry friend. Or if they need to buy both. The answer isn’t exactly straightforward because there are advantages and disadvantages to each one that you will need to consider before making your decision. In this guide, I am going to quickly go over those for you as well as some of the other factors you will need to think about.

One of the main differences between a large dog crate and an extra large dog crate is the size difference. The size difference isn’t just relevant to the dogs but also to you and even your family.

Stop Your Puppy Crying – Great Tips For Settling New Puppies Day & Night: What Do You Do When Your New Puppy Cries At Night?

When your new puppy cries at night, it means one thing. That dog needs some TLC!

If you are like most pet owners, you probably have been through the experience of having a pup that cries all the time. Many times, this behavior is due to stress or anxiety issues with your dog. Other times, it’s because your pup just doesn’t get along with other dogs.

Regardless of why your pup cries at night, there are ways to deal with this problem so that your pooch won’t be bothered by others during the day.

You might think that if you could only teach your dog not to cry at night, then everything would be fine. Unfortunately, this isn’t always possible. There are many reasons why puppies cry at night (and sometimes even adults).

Some of these reasons include for Your Dog Crying

Puppies may be too young to tell their parents not to play with them anymore. They’re still learning how to behave themselves.

They may be experiencing separation anxiety. If they feel threatened by another dog, they’ll try to hide under the bed or in a corner. This causes them to cry at night, which makes you worry about them being hurt if someone comes into the room while you sleep.

Some may be suffering from general anxiety. This can be triggered by being left alone at night. They are always nervous and never know when it’s going to happen, so they cry whenever they’re by themselves.

If you think that your dog is experiencing separation anxiety, it’s best to make sure that your dog has his own bed or blanket in a location where you spend a lot of time. This way, your dog will feel more at ease when you leave the room, instead of thinking that you’re leaving him forever. If this doesn’t work, then it may be necessary to hire a dog walker or take your dog with you whenever you go out.

If your dog suffers from general anxiety or is just too young to control his emotions around other dogs, then you should try to expose him to as many people and other dogs as possible. The more dogs he meets, the less threatening they will seem to him in the future. If you have friends with calm dogs, set up play dates for your dogs to become better acquainted.

If this doesn’t work, then try walking your dog around the neighborhood to get him used to seeing other people and dogs.

Whatever you do, don’t try to isolate your dog from other people or dogs. This will only make his anxiety worse and he may become too stressed out to do anything about it. If all else fails, you may need to consult a professional who can tell you if your dog needs medication to calm him down when you leave.

Dealing with a crying puppy at night can be frustrating. However, if you have the right information, then you can easily solve this problem in no time at all!

How Long Does It Take For A Puppy To Stop Crying At Night?

Hello, and welcome to today’s topic: how long does it take for a puppy to stop crying at night?

This is something that I have been wondering for a while myself, so I thought I would do some research on this topic. Luckily, I’m an expert on dogs, so I have all the information that you’ll need right here. Let’s get started:

A Quick Overview

It takes a few weeks for your dog to grow accustomed to his new home. During this time, it’s normal for puppies to cry during the night as they get used to their new surroundings. The younger the dog is, the more crying you can expect, but don’t worry – this period of adjustment won’t last forever!

A Detailed Answer

Dogs are creatures of habit. When they are introduced to a new home, it will take time for them to get used to their surroundings. During this period of adjustment, it’s common for puppies to whine or howl during the night as they try to find a comfortable position to sleep in.

There is no need to worry too much if your puppy cries at night during this initial settling-in period. The worst thing you can do is let your puppy sleep in your bed with you during this time, as this will teach them that their new home is not a nice place to be! It’s also a good idea to set up a specific place in your home where your dog can sleep.

After a few weeks have passed and your dog has become used to his surroundings, the crying at night should settle down and stop altogether.

The age of your dog can also play a role in how long this takes. Younger dogs will take much longer to get used to their new home than older dogs will, simply because they are still learning what the world is all about! If you adopt an adult dog or a dog between one and two years of age, then you won’t have to worry about any excessive crying at night.

What Is The Settling-In Period?

There is a settling-in period that all dogs go through when they first become a part of a new family. During this time, your dog will be learning what his role in the pack is and where he stands in relation to yourself and the rest of your family. During this period, it is perfectly natural for your dog to whine or howl during the night as he tries to get used to his new surroundings. This period typically takes a few days to a few weeks to get through, but it can last longer if you’re adopting an older dog or a puppy.

How To Stop Your Dog From Crying At Night ?

There are several ways that you can get your dog to stop crying at night. These solutions usually revolve around either letting your dog cry it out or systematically trying to comfort them and then letting them go to sleep.

Letting Your Dog Cry It Out ?

This solution involves little to no effort on your part, but may not be humane. If your dog is crying during the night, you could simply leave him to cry and go about your nightly business. Your dog will likely stop crying after a few minutes or even a few hours if he is tired.

The problem with this solution is that it doesn’t allow your dog time to learn when it’s appropriate to go to sleep and when it’s not.

This is a problem because dogs are creatures of habit. If your dog is used to constantly being disturbed at night, he will always think that it’s the right time to be awake and this can cause problems down the line.

Systematically Calming Your Dog and Then Letting Them Sleep

This solution requires a bit more effort on your part, but can produce long-lasting results that will ensure your dog isn’t crying every night because he is excited or anxious.

The first step to this solution is to pay close attention to your dog as he’s whining or howling at night.

Are his cries ascending in tone?

This would indicate that your dog is getting more excited.

Are his cries descending in tone?

This would indicate that your dog is getting more sad or hopeless.

If you notice that his crying is ascending, then it would be a good idea to try to calm him down before allowing him to sleep. Pay close attention to what he’s looking at or towards. Go and interact with him in an upbeat manner and give him a treat.

Then, quietly (so as not to excite him any more) lead him to his bed and allow him to sleep.

If you notice that his crying is descending, then it would be best to try to comfort him before allowing him to sleep. Go and interact with him in a calm manner and give him a treat. Then, quietly (so as not to depress him any more) lead him to his bed and allow him to sleep.

By systematically trying to calm your dog before bedtime, you are teaching him that when he goes to sleep, it’s because he’s had enough excitement or attention for the day. By allowing him to sleep after calming him down, you are teaching him that going to sleep is a good thing and something that happens when he’s tired.

By doing this repeatedly, your dog will learn when it’s time to go to sleep and when it’s okay to be awake. He will also learn that being quiet is the best way to go about being awake.

Note : If you find that your dog is excessively crying during the night, you may want to consider if he is getting enough exercise during the day. Dogs are naturally nocturnal animals and are most lively at night. If you’ve been keeping him inside all day in an effort to calm him and then sending him to bed, he could very well be bored or restless.

Allowing him to go out and play during the day should help alleviate some of his nighttime fears and anxieties.

Your Dog Only Cries When Left Alone ?

Some dogs don’t cry when they’re around their owners, but begin as soon as the owner leaves the room. Sometimes, these dogs will even refuse to go in their crates.

In this case, the best thing to do is give your dog a few minutes alone by himself. You want to set him up for success. This means that you shouldn’t interact with him at all until he’s quiet or asleep.

If he cries when you leave the room, wait a few minutes and then return. Do not interact with him in any way. Simply ignore him and watch him calmly.

If he’s quiet he can have attention and interaction with you, but only if he’s being good. If he isn’t being good, you are not interacting with him.

Once your dog realizes that crying is useless and that you won’t give into his demands, he will stop. It may take a few days of this behavior modification but, it will work.

Your Dog Only Cries During the Night ?

Some dogs only cry during the night for a specific reason. For instance, they are often sick or in pain. If you’ve taken your dog to the veterinarian and he’s been checked for sicknesses and other health problems and everything checks out, then it’s okay to assume that he may be in pain.

If that is the case, you’re going to have to do something about his sleeping arrangements. If you have a hard floor, you can buy an inflatable bed or some type of thin mat that will go over the floor so that he has extra padding to sleep on.

If you have tile or wood floors, your best bet is to buy a pet bed that can be placed over these floors. The bed should be thick enough so that your dog’s joints aren’t touching the actual floor.

You can also get a cheap, thick blanket and put it underneath your dog’s bed. This way, if your dog is in pain when he lays down, the extra padding will make him more comfortable. You can also try rolling up a thick blanket and placing it at the bottom of his bed.

This will give him soft side rails to sleep next to and should prevent him from moving around at night and perhaps falling off the bed or out of his crate.

You can also invest in a dog mattress or some other type of specialized dog bed. If you’re crafty, you can even make your dog a customized bed.

No Matter What You Do, Your Dog Still Cries at Night

If you’ve tried everything from this article and you still have no success in making your dog stop crying at night, then you’re going to have to take more extreme measures. The only thing that you can try is giving your dog melatonin. You can’t just give him melatonin though.

You need to talk to your veterinarian and ask him if it’s okay for your dog to take melatonin. Sometimes, melatonin can cause drowsiness the next day and that’s the last thing you want. You don’t want this medication to hinder his behavior in any way. In fact, sometimes melatonin doesn’t even work for dogs that are suffering from anxiety. So, you can try this if you want, but there is no guarantee that it’s going to work.

You can’t just put your dog outside because he cries at night. Aside from the fact that he might get attacked by the neighbors’ dogs or get lost, it’s also cruel. Dogs are social creatures and they rely on the love and companionship of their owners and family.

By putting him outside, you’re telling him that he has done something wrong. Dogs are very conscious of hierarchy and they know their place in the pack. By sending him outside as a form of punishment, you’re telling him that he is at the very bottom. This will destroy his self-confidence and he may become more anxious around you and other people, leading to other behavioral problems.

And there you have it! Now, you know what to do if your dog starts crying at night. These tips and tricks should help you get your sleep back and have peace in the family.

Good luck!

Tips on How To Get Your Dog to Stop Barking

Have you ever had that neighbor who had a dog that would bark at everything?

You’d be coming home from work or school and that dog would start barking like crazy. If you were outside, it would bark at you. If you were in the garage, it would bark through the door. It didn’t matter where you went or what you did, that dog would find a reason to bark.

Dogs may be man’s best friend, but they can also be man’s worst enemy. Whether your dog barks all day or just all night, this article will help you get him to stop.

Is Your Dog Just Barking or Is It Something Else?

Before you start trying to cure your dog’s barking, you need to first figure out why he’s barking in the first place.

Does he see a cat outside? Is someone knocking on the door? Is there a strange noise outside?

Whatever the reason, you need to first establish what’s causing the barking before you can stop it.

If your dog is barking at people, dogs, or other animals, try putting him in another room or in the garage when you know someone is about to visit. This will allow him to get used to being around visitors without barking. If a stranger knocks on the door, don’t answer it if your dog is barking.

Wait for him to stop and then let the visitor in. Over time, he’ll realize that the barking won’t affect what’s going on outside, and he’ll stop.

If your dog barks at other noises such as a garbage truck or a slamming door, create a loud noise of your own to drown out the sound. Turn on the kitchen faucet to a full blast or bang pots and pans together. The goal is to create enough noise that your dog won’t be able to hear the other one outside.

Again, doing this consistently will desensitize your dog to the outside noises, and he’ll stop barking.

Is Your Dog Suffering from Boredom or Lack of Exercise?

Dogs are just like humans in that they get bored if they have too much time on their hands. A bored dog may display destructive behavior of some sort, such as chewing on furniture or digging up the yard. If this is the case with your dog, you need to find ways of giving him more exercise and entertaining him.

The simplest solution is taking your dog for more walks. A tired dog is a happy dog, so to speak, and if you take him on more walks he’ll have less time to get bored and bark excessively. Also, if your dog is used to being in the garage or in a pen in your backyard all day while you’re at work, you need to let him inside the house or at least a pen or area where he can see people or activity.

If your dog is barking because he’s confined to a small space and can see people walking by on the sidewalk or cars passing by on the street, let him out of his confined area. If you have a dog that’s always barking when he’s inside his pen in the backyard, let him into the house or at least into a room with more windows so he can see what’s going on outside. You want to give him a view so he doesn’t feel like he’s missing out on anything and is encouraged to bark to get your attention.

Is Your Dog Teething or Have a Toothache?

Dogs usually don’t start getting their permanent teeth until they’re a year old, but some start when they’re still puppies. If your dog is teething or has an aching tooth, it’s fairly common for him to chew on anything within reach in order to find relief. This chewing often causes excessive noise that can disturb you while you’re trying to sleep at night.

Teething can also cause your dog to be more restless at night as well. If you’ve checked his gums and don’t see any signs of swelling, or if you’ve given him something to help with the pain, you need to make sure he gets plenty of water or ice to chew on to help alleviate the pain. You can also try giving him something frozen in a washcloth that he can gnaw on to help numb his gums.

When your dog gets older and has aching teeth as well, you can give him baby aspirin or some other form of pain reliever for dogs. If he’s destructive because of the pain, you may have to keep him in a crate or tether him to something so he won’t be able to chew things up. As with people, a rubber toy or item that has a strong smell will often help distract your dog from the pain and encourage him to play and keep his mind off of it.

Is Your Dog Feeling Confined?

If you’ve made sure your dog has plenty of exercise, isn’t bored and gets plenty of chewing satisfaction, and you’re still finding chewed up items around the house or being awakened by your dog’s excessive barking at night, it’s possible that your dog is feeling confined. A lot of dogs suffer from separation anxiety now and then when they’re left home alone.

If you think your dog is experiencing separation anxiety, you may want to try preparing him for when you have to leave him alone. Leave a radio or TV on so he can hear sounds of a human voice or some type of music. Make sure there is a light on as well.

You can also try leaving him in a room with his crate or bed and putting a towel under the door so he can’t see that you’re gone. When you get ready to leave, bring him to his crate or bed and talk to him in a soothing voice, telling him he’ll be OK and that you’ll be back soon.

If your dog is experiencing separation anxiety, he may also bark when you leave the house. This type of barking is different than the barking described above when they see a cat outside or hear a strange noise. In this case, the barking is because they’re upset that you’ve left.

When you come home, your dog may be very excited and perhaps have mischief (such as chewing on your favorite pair of shoes) he’s got to let out.

If you think your dog is suffering from this type of anxiety, it would be in his best interest – and yours – to get him a companion. Dogs are social animals and when they’re left alone too long, they can become depressed or anxious. Try getting another dog that is the same age and gender as your current pet. Dogs are most content when they have companionship of their own species.

If you don’t want – or can’t afford – to get another dog, you should try to spend as much quality time with your dog as possible. Take him with you whenever you can and leave the radio or TV on when you leave. Also, a pet sitter can be very beneficial for dogs that are suffering from separation anxiety.

While it can be expensive to have a pet sitter come in and walk your dog and look after him when you have to leave, it’s better than having to give him up or dealing with a destroyed house when you get home!

And there you have it. With these tips, you should be able to deal with your dog’s barking, whether it’s because he’s bored or if he’s anxious because you’ve left him alone. While it may not be easy giving him up or changing your lifestyle to accommodate him, you’re doing what’s best for the both of you. You’ll both be much happier in the long run.

6 Month Old Puppy Crying At Night: How To Stop A Puppy From Crying In The Crate At Night

Puppies are considered to be babies for the first couple of years of their life. Just like human babies, they need to be cared for and nurtured. They also cry for various reasons.

If you have a 6 month old puppy then you may have already had the unfortunate experience of listening to your cute little bundle of joy cry through the night.

One thing that you should be aware of is that crying is a part of being a dog. Even the best trained dogs will whine at times. If the dog is in pain then it will cry loudly.

Sometimes a dog will cry due to separation anxiety. This means that he feels lonely or has lost his pack. Other times, the dog will develop this problem due to bad past experiences such as being abandoned by his previous owner or getting lost.

Your 6 month old puppy may be experiencing any one of these situations and that’s why he constantly whines when you first put him in the crate or when you leave the house. If this is the case then there are a few things that you can do to calm him down.

First of all, give your dog some TLC. Hold him and pet him until he stops crying. Try not to make a big deal out of it because if your dog realizes that he can make a bunch of noise and get attention then he’ll keep doing it.

Try your best to ignore the whining and after a few minutes he should stop.

If he stops crying then great! Come back and check on him in an hour or two just to make sure that he isn’t whining or attempting to escape his crate. If you see that he’s still doing well then you can go about your day.

However, if he’s still crying then you should stay with him until he stops. You want to prevent your dog from developing any sort of bad habits. He should know that as long as he continues to whine you will stay with him.

Once he stops, you can go about your day.

Now you can also use a few tricks to calm your puppy. Music is a great way to calm a dog down. Play some soft music and your dog may stop crying all together.

You can also turn on the TV or a radio but you have to be careful because the static and noise from these devices could actually make your dog more anxious.

Another thing that may work is to give your dog something old to chew on. This will take his mind off of you leaving him alone and anxious.

If none of these tips work then you need to seek professional help immediately. Your dog’s constant crying doesn’t just indicate he’s lonely, it also indicates that he may be suffering from an illness or injury. You can’t take chances when it comes to your dog’s health.

How Long Will A Six Month Old Puppy Cry At Night?

Regardless of what you do, your 6 month old puppy is going to whine at night when you put him in his crate. It’s just a fact of life and there’s nothing wrong with that.

However, if he continues to cry for long periods of time then you need to seek help immediately.

A puppy needs plenty of rest when he’s this young. A tired puppy is a good healthy puppy and a tired puppy is one that’s not going to get into trouble when you’re not around.

If your 6 month old puppy is crying for long periods of time then there’s a chance that he could be sick or in pain. He may also be lonely, upset, or afraid because of past experiences.

Regardless of the reason, you need to seek professional help or advice. You wouldn’t want your dog to suffer needlessly.

You should also seek help if you think that you’re doing everything right but your 6 month old puppy is still crying for extended periods of time. You could be dealing with a stubborn dog that just needs more time to adjust to his new home and owner. On the other hand, it may be something else entirely.

There’s also the chance that you’re not doing everything right.

Never hesitate to seek help if you need it. As the saying goes, ignorance is no excuse when it comes to your dog’s health and well being.

Do Dog’s Stop Crying In Their Crate When You Leave?

Most dogs stop whining as soon as their owner leaves, but other dogs cry for hours after their owner leaves. There isn’t any crying that can be considered normal in the same way that there isn’t any loneliness that can be considered normal. Just like you, your dog wants to be loved and wants to feel safe. He wants to be around other dogs and people and feeling alone makes him upset.

In other words, if your dog is crying it means that you (or someone else) did something wrong and he’s crying because of it. I’ll explain some of the more common reasons why your 6 month old puppy might be crying in a little bit, but before I do remember this:

Never, ever hit your dog or yell at him if you want to stop the crying.

If you’re feeling frustrated because your dog cries a lot, take a break. Go for a walk, play with the dog for a while, do something to relax yourself before going back to the dog. You want to stop the crying and you will, but you have to be calm as well.

If your dog is whining then he’s probably trying really hard to let you know that he needs something and it’s up to you to figure out what that is.

Why Does My Dog Cry In His Crate?

The very first thing you need to do is make sure you’re following the crate training procedure I gave you in the last section. If you’re not, then your dog may be crying because he doesn’t like being in his cage.

Now, some dogs actually enjoy their crates and even seek them out as safe spots. However, not all dogs are this way and if yours isn’t then you need to follow the training guide I gave you.

Why Does My Dog Cry When I Get Home?

This is a question I get asked a lot and the answer is almost always the same: your dog wants attention.

Dogs are pack animals and as such they desire the approval of their peers (or in this case, his owner). A dog wants your attention and if he’s not getting it then he becomes upset. This isn’t limited to just you, either.

It could be anyone, even people he doesn’t even know!

However, if your dog only cries when you get home then the odds are he wants your attention specifically. There’s a few reasons why this could be, let’s go over them now.

Why Does My Dog Want My Attention?

You’ve just come home from a long day at work and you want nothing more than to take off your work clothes, collapse on the couch, and veg out for the rest of the evening. The last thing you want is your 6 month old puppy whining and jumping all over you – especially since you’re starving and you were planning on having a dinner of microwaved macaroni and cheese (the kind that comes in a box).

First, let’s talk about the hunger. Dogs, just like people, get hungry when they haven’t eaten in a while. It’s possible that your dog is just really, really hungry.

If it’s been more than 6 hours since you last fed him then try feeding him before you do anything else.

However, it’s also entirely possible that your dog is well fed and just wants attention from you.

Does he follow you around everywhere? Does he try to get your attention when you’re trying to watch TV? Does he wake you up in the morning by jumping on your bed and licking your face?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then it’s likely that your dog just wants some love from you.

How Can I Stop My Dog From Crying?

There are a few different ways you can go about this, let’s start with the more tedious (but more permanent) way:

Method #1: Ignoring The Problem

Ignoring the problem is the most tedious way to solve this issue, but it does have the benefit of being permanent. If you ignore the problem then your dog will eventually learn that crying is not an option and he’ll stop.

However, this takes time. A lot of time. You probably will need to leave for work every day while your dog cries and whines.

You’ll also need to ignore him while he does this. It can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, but eventually your dog will stop crying when you leave if you ignore him.

Ignoring the problem is not for the weak of heart. There will be days where you’ll want to give in and pick your dog up and snuggle him, but you must fight this urge if you want the crying to stop.

Also, remember that dogs can get depressed if left alone for long periods of time every day. This method may not be good if you’re gone all day every day. Check out method #2 if this is the case.

Advantages: Permanent, and your dog will eventually stop crying.

Disadvantages: Tedious, can take a long time, and may require you to leave your dog home alone for many hours every day.

Method #2: Re-Acclimating Your Dog To Being Alone

Some dogs just never learn to be alone. They’re used to being around people all the time and being picked up and petted whenever they want. If this sounds like your dog, then you’re going to have to re-acclimate him to being alone.

If your dog gets lonely or nervous being left alone, then you want to leave him somewhere where he feels safe.

Does he go to daycare?

If so, then pick him up from there every day.

Does he have a favorite blanket or toy?

Leave that at daycare so he can get comfortable with it being there.

Does he go to a friend or family member’s house on the days you work?

Have them keep him there instead.

You get the idea. The point is to make your dog feel as comfortable as possible so that he doesn’t feel lonely or scared when you’re not around.

Along with this, begin leaving for short periods of time each day and build up from there. Start with a minute, then build up to five minutes, then ten minutes, and so on. Be sure to give your dog lots of praise when you get back to reinforce that you always come back.

Also be sure to take your dog out to pee as soon as you wake up and then leave immediately after. Don’t play first, just go straight out the door, come back, and then play for a bit before leaving again. The quicker you and your dog get used to this routine, the easier and less stressful it will be for the both of you.

What Are Affirmitive Paws Method ?

What we’re going to do is leave your dog alone for very short periods of time while actively ignoring any bad behavior. We want to ignore anything your dog does that is below what we consider acceptable behavior. No barking, whining, crying, or jumping. Nothing.

It will just make your dog do it more because it gets a reaction from you. This is why we call it the “Ignore It” method.

The only time you should speak to or acknowledge your dog, is when it is calm and quiet. Even then, keep it short and sweet, no long conversations or petting allowed.

Your dog will probably have a difficult time with this at first, but over time it should improve.

  • Advantages: Very low effort, requires very little training on your part. If your dog is bored and having separation anxiety then this is for you. It can also be used in conjunction with methods 1 and 2.
  • Disadvantages: Takes a long time to work, and your dog may still have some problems even after fully going through this method. The biggest problem is that this can lead to behavioral issues such as Cattle Dog Syndrome. If your dog starts running away, or acts aggressively towards you when you return, please go to method 1.

This method is not advised for owners who are gone for very long periods of time, and only work well for owners who are gone for short periods of time such as students or workers.

METHOD 3: Distance : This method consists of leaving your dog at a distance where they are still comfortable and not stressed, but far enough away that you can no longer interact with them.

The first step is to get a map of your area and find a park, or some other place where you can take your dog. This place will be what we call the “away location.”

When you begin this method, take your dog to the park and spend a few hours there. After this, end your trip at the away location. This means that you should drive to the away location instead of going straight home.

Once you get to the away location, leave your dog in the car and walk inside your house. Do not interact with your dog or acknowledge its existence until the next day.

When you get out of the house, drive to the park and spend a few hours there. Once you are finished, end your trip at the away location. Continue this pattern until your dog is completely cured.

Note: You may find that it is a lot easier on you to ride a bike or have public transportation around your area. If this is the case, all you need to do is find a place where people can easily see your dog. If you find that you need to jog, then please use method 1.

If at any time you feel that your dog is having a severe reaction to being alone, stop the current method your are doing and switch to the “Ignore It” method for a couple of days until the reactions subside. Once the reactions are gone, you can slowly begin increasing the time you are leaving your dog alone until it gets to a normal level.

Respect the extra time that this takes. Each dog is different and will react differently. If you feel your dog is taking a strong reaction to being left alone then please go back to ignoring it for a few more days or try method 1 instead.

“Ignore It” is exactly what it sounds like. You simply ignore your dog until the problem goes away.

The “Ignore It” method is mainly used for dogs who show slight signs of separation anxiety. If your dog is having behavioral issues such as running away from you when you return, or has accidents in the house then this method will not work and you should instead try method

The “Ignore It” method is similar to the “Distance” method in that it takes a long time before you see results, but it stresses the dog out a lot less.

The first step is to ignore any signs of your dog’s separation anxiety. This means that when you get home, you should ignore your dog even if it jumps on you or barks at you. Do not talk to it, do not touch it, do not look at it, and do not acknowledge its existence in anyway.

If your dog gets overexcited or runs away from you when you return then this step will be a lot easier. Simply act as if your dog isn’t there and go about your usual business. If your dog has accidents in the house then clean them up without saying a word to your dog.

It may take days or it may take weeks, but eventually your dog will realize that if it makes a big deal out of you coming home then it will not get attention at all. Once your dog stops making a big deal out of you coming home, you can start the next step.

The second step is to greet your dog, but only give it attention when it is calm. This means that when you get home you should ignore your dog until it is in a sit-stay or down-stay. Once it is in this position, you can greet it and give it some attention.

If your dog tries to get up before you give the release command then simply ignore it and wait for it to comply. If your dog tries to get up after you release it then repeat the command until it complies. Once your dog complies then you can greet it and give it some attention.

How long this takes depends entirely on how well your dog listens to the sit-stay and down-stay commands. Some dogs pick these commands up very quickly while others take a bit longer. Patience is key here.

Silver Lab – The Facts About Silver Labrador Retriever:

The Silver Labrador Retriever breed originated from the American Shorthair dog. They are known as “silver” because they have a very light color of coat. Their coats come in many colors including black, chocolate brown, red, white and other shades. These dogs are not only beautiful but also very intelligent and loyal companions.

They are affectionate with their owners and will always follow your commands. They love children and make wonderful family pets. However, they do require a lot of exercise so it’s best if you keep them indoors most of the time. Some prefer to play outside while others like to stay inside all day long.

Silver Labs are very good watchdogs which means they enjoy watching over their masters and other animals around them. They are also excellent guard dogs. You need to train them well before your dog become aggressive towards strangers or even other dogs.

Because of their intelligence, they’re also great at learning new things quickly and can learn tricks too. They love attention and will often nuzzle up against you when you pet them. They tend to be quiet but once trained, they’ll happily bark out orders to get what they want!

As mentioned earlier, they’re very affectionate and will always enjoy your company. They love to play in the water and will happily swim for hours if you take them to a lake or river. They also love to catch Frisbees and will jump into any body of water.

Silver labs are prone to hip displaysia, eye issues, skin allergies, thyroid issues and heart disease. Some are also allergic to certain types of foods and require special attention in this area.

Silver Lab is a very beautiful dog with a lot of energy and great for first-time owners. They love to play outside and require a lot of attention. This breed can coexist well with children and other pets. If you’re interested in this breed, it’s best to contact a breeder and tell them what you expect from such a dog.

You may be wondering how to choose a good breeder when there are so many out there. Here are some tips to follow when looking for one: Research the different breeders in your area. It’s best to find one close by so you can regularly visit for check-ups and vet visits.

Never ever buy a dog from a pet store. These dogs are overpriced and the money is going towards helping greedy people instead of nice ones. Always meet the parent dogs before you decide on whether to get a puppy or not.

Ask the breeder about testing that’s been done on parent dogs and whether health certificates have been provided for them. Make sure you get copies of everything. Make sure you meet other Silver Labs that have come from this breeder to see the quality of work they produce.

See whether the breeder has a contract ready for you to sign or not. It should include information about taking your puppy back if your circumstances change or anything else that may be relevant.

Ask the breeder about health issues and what tests have been done to ensure your puppy won’t have any in the future.

We all want our furry friends to stay with us for as long as possible, but this isn’t always realistic. You should always be prepared for the worst and hoping for the best. That’s why it’s important to get a health guarantee from the breeder that lasts at least for two years.

If you follow these tips, you’re sure to find the best Silver Labrador Retriever breeder out there. If you’re happy with your new friend, don’t forget to share pictures with your friends online!

Miniature Labradors: Small Size And Dwarfism In Labs

The term “mini” refers to the size of a lab’s head. A small size means that they are only slightly larger than a large breed. They have short legs and long bodies, which makes them look like puppies or pups. Their heads are small and their eyes are big, so they don’t make any puppy-like expressions.

Some people call them “puppy dogs”.

Dwarf Labradors: Small Size And Dwarfism In Labs

A dwarf is a dog with very short legs and body. They have long legs and bodies, which makes them look like old men. Their heads are small and their eyes are medium sized, so they make no old man expression. These dogs do not make any dwarfish expression.

Some people call these dogs “old men.”